SEND Information Report
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Christ the King Catholic Primary School
All SEND policies can be found under 'Policies'.
At some point any child might need extra support to achieve and progress, this local offer provides information about how we support children in our school who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). It includes information about who you should talk to if you have any concerns about your child, how we identify their needs and how we monitor and assess progress. It includes our SEND policy and links to other sources of information and support available.
What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
A child might be described as having special (or additional) needs if they have a learning difficulty or a disability that requires support that is different from or additional to that provided for other children of the same age at Christ the King Catholic Primary School.
The Equality Act defines a disabled person as a person who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
At Christ the King Catholic Primary School we value each child, their achievements and abilities. We offer inclusive, person-centered education that celebrates the successes of each and every pupil. Educational inclusion is equal opportunities for all pupils regardless of background, situation or ability. We plan and undertake teaching based on individuals’ learning; after which we evaluate the impact of that teaching (through assessing the child’s progress) and adapt further teaching as necessary.
We provide an inclusive education for:
- Cognitive and Learning needs
- Communication and Interactive needs
- Physical and Medical needs
- Behavioural, Social and Emotional needs
- Sensory needs
Our Graduated Response
The graduated response is a framework within which schools identify students’ special educational needs and supports them. It recognises that children’s needs will be different at different times.
Initial Concern
Wave 1 support
When we have an initial concern, it is most likely that your child’s class teacher will approach you informally or at one of our three parent – teacher meetings we have each year. At this stage we discuss our concerns and how we are using quality first teaching within class or additional small group activities to support your child.
Wave 2 support
The teacher, with support from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), will be responsible for planning additional small group or in-class support for your child. At this stage we may add the pupil to our Special Educational Needs Support register in order to monitor progress and we can (with permission from parents) ask for advice and support from Wiltshire Learning Support Team. Parents are informed about the level of support at each stage during our three times a year parent- teacher consultations, however, informal consultations throughout the year are welcome and you can contact the SENDCo for an appointment using the above contact details.
Wave 3 support
If your child needs further support the SENCo and the class teacher may ask for your permission to request additional support from a member of the Wiltshire Learning Support Team including Educational Psychology service, Speech and Language Therapy service, Occupational therapy etc. These professionals may work directly with a pupil, but are more likely to provide strategies and support to his or her teachers and SEND school team. The Class Provision Map will be updated to include any new targets and strategies. At all stages parents are informed and support from parents is hugely beneficial, and necessary for best progress.
My Support Plan and My Plans
A small number of students may require support that is more than the school is expected to provide using Wave 1, 2, and 3. If this support is needed parents will be consulted and with their support we will apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Assessment to be carried out. An EHCP Assessment can lead an EHCP if a panel of professionals at county level feel that it is appropriate. An EHCP is a legal document that belongs to the child and it describes a pupils needs and specifies what support will be provided to meet those needs.
At each stage you will be informed and asked to attend meetings so that we can all work together to find the best provision for your child.
When multiple agencies are involved in supporting a child we can use the My Support Plan process to enable all adults involved, parents, professionals and children to get together to share information and set targets.
How are children supported?
We are committed to all children reaching their full potential to become lifelong independent learners and, in order to achieve that, we need to change our provision so that children with SEND can access learning. We do this in a number of ways including:
- Planning for Personalised learning - which includes adapting planning so individuals have specific outcomes
- Withdrawing children for specific sessions; working as assessed groups or on individual programmes, so gaps in learning can be closed.
- Adult support in the classroom for specific tasks
- Liaising with outside agencies to receive the best advice and support
- Personalised timetables
The curriculum and learning environment can be adapted to support access to learning. These include:
- Enlarged print for texts
- Breaking down the curriculum targets into smaller steps
- Visual cues and timetables to support independence
- Additional resources, e.g. acetate coloured overlays for reading
- Specialist furniture
- IT resources
- Induction loops for children with hearing difficulties
- Adapting buildings and furniture if necessary - for example Ramps for access, widening some doorways for wheelchair access.
Transition Support
We understand that children may find it difficult moving from class to class or from one school to another. Towards the end of an academic year, class teachers meet to share information to help make the transition from one class to another as easy as possible. For children with SEND this might include additional meeting with parents, class teacher and SENDCo, photographs, extra visits to the school and time with a designated Learning Support Assistant.
For Year 6 children, the SENDCo will arrange to meet with transition workers and SENDCos from receiving secondary schools and, if necessary, a transition plan will be made. Children will meet those involved in their transition plan and parents will be kept informed and invited to attend these meetings.
Who do I contact if I’m concerned?
The first person to contact is your child’s class teacher. The class teacher is always the primary contact if you have any concerns regarding your child’s educational or health care needs whilst at School.
Our SEND team includes
Mrs. C. Blunden - Special Educational Needs CoOrdinator / Inclusion Leader
Kim Downer - SEND Governor
The SENDCo has the overall responsibility for leading school development in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Managing the operation of the policy
- Coordination and monitoring of provision
- Maintenance of records
- Link and contact for parents
- Link and contact for outside agencies
Contact information:
Phone School Office : 01980 622039
Email School Office :
Email SENDCo:
Other support and help - You are welcome to contact the class teacher or the Inclusion Leader at any time. They can discuss the situation and offer further relevant information and resources.
Relate Counselling Service for Children:
Contact the Inclusion Leader or your class teacher for a referral form.
Family Information Service - This service will provide general information and signposting service for parents/ carers about services and facilities in Wiltshire. To contact them please phone Wiltshire Council on 0300 0030 4573 or visit their website
Parent Partnership Service - This service will provide information, support and advice service to parents/ carers about their child’s special educational needs. To contact them please phone Action for Children on 01225 769399 or visit their website
Other Reading
The SEND Code of Practice:
Wiltshire Local Offer